Freshtrop’s farmers were the first in India to be certified in 2003. 100% of the farms used for supply to Europe are certified to GlobalGAP standards.
BSCI is an initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA). All BSCI participants are also FTA members and share the FTA vision of “Free Trade. Sustainable Trade”. Freshtrop has been compliant with the requirements of BSCI since several years. Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We participate in amfori BSCI.
Freshtrop’s post-harvest facilities became the first such units to be certified for BRC standards in 2005 and have been consistently graded with high standards of safety and hygiene.
Freshtrop is a member of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), an organization that enables member companies to manage efficiently the ethical and responsible practices of their global supply chains.
FSSC 22000
ISO 22000 is an international standard that defines the requirements of a food safety management system covering all organizations in the food chain from “farm to fork”. A systematic and proactive approach to identification of food safety hazards, development and implementation of control measures. The standard complies with the Codex HACCP principles.
SGF International E.V. is regarded as a model of industrial self-control in the fruit juice industry and for other sectors of the food industry. This allows tracing not just the history of the products but also possible quality deviations back to their source where they can be eliminated. The participation in this control system assists the producer in the fulfillment of his necessary diligence to market only proper goods.
This certificate indicates the adherence to Jewish Dietary Laws. Though Kosher is a religion based dietary law but it also ensures food safety by avoiding food contamination.
This certificate enables exports of fresh fruits/processed fruit to USA.
Halal is a Quranic term which means lawful, permissible or legal. This certificate enables export of fresh products to Islamic countries. The term Halal is used to designate food which is permissible according to Islamic/Shariat law.